Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Entry #1: What Literacy Means to Me...So Far

My definition of literacy:

Literacy consists of being able to read and write. Literacy assumes the individual has some understanding of their reading and writing as well. 

My definition of being a literate person:

A literate person can read and write. If an individual is not able to read or write, then they are lacking in their literacy development. They may be considered illiterate. I would argue that a literate person also needs to have a clear understanding of what they are reading and writing about. 

    I developed this definition of literacy based off of my experiences to date. This is what I have learned to be the definition of literacy from my past teachers and people I have surrounded myself with. Of course, I have adapted this information to form my own understanding of literacy. Throughout my time as a student, I have placed high value on literacy. My definition may also be impacted from cultural and societal norms.

    I have come to know the literal interpretation of literacy from my past teachers, parents, and other individuals I have surrounded myself with. Through interactions with these people, I learned what they valued and considered to be literacy. The information I received from them has led me to construct my own version of what literacy means to me. 

    Keeping my definition of literacy in mind, I do believe I am a literate person because I am able to successfully read and write at the graduate level. However, I believe that understanding is a large part of literacy and it is clear that I do not always understand things that I read. For example, I am able to read and produce sounds from an aerospace engineering textbook, but that does not mean that I comprehend the material. Everybody has times where they do not have the current capability to be perfectly literate. 

Entry #11 The Final Post

     I thought I knew quite a bit about literacy prior to taking LTED601. This class has enlightened me to the fact that I did not know ever...